Sources of Innovation

How are Trends an Innovators’ Friend?

Trias de Bes and P. Kotler in “Winning at Innovation. The A-to-F Model” present a unique, structured approach to organizing process of innovation in corporates. They distinguish different roles and responsibilities in the act of entrepreneurial discovery, one of which are creators. Creators have important role of identifying and channeling macrotrends, trends, fashions, and novelties into

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MOOCs for Start-ups and Entrepreneurs

If you believe in self-directed, flexibly scheduled learning to upgrade your skills, this post is for you. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are online interactive learning courses, which significance in recent years has boosted. Thanks to MOOCs anyone and everywhere can experience learning from world top class universities on broad, or industry-specific issues. What’s more,

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What entrepreneurs can learn from James Bond?

No matter which episode of 23 James Bond movies you’ll watch there are certain things which doesn’t change in creating commander’s Bond superior advantage in fighting his opponents and rescuing the world. I believe these things are informational insights intercepted at the earliest stage possible with an idea on how to make use out of them. In business in

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