Are you pitching large caps or just wondering how to make the first contact? Proposing value to large company is easier, if you start thinking like you’re in one and crack down its internal structure. To do this nothing is better than “Bag the Elephant !” by Steve Kaplan.
But then, before approaching the Client, you need to forge a unique value proposal to win them over. Saul Kaplan comes with helpful bits and pieces to do that. I know people, who repeat this every morning like mantra, to get the right level of focus and purpose in the mind palace.
“The Business Model Innovation Factory” rules of Saul Kaplan:
1. Catalyze something bigger than yourself
2. Enable random collision of unusual subjects’
3. Collaborative innovation is the mantra
4. Build purposeful networks
5. Together, we can design the future
6. Stories can change the world
7. Make systems level thinking sexy
8. Transformation is itself a creative act
9. Passion rules – exceed your expectations
10. Be inspiration accelerator
11. Tweaks won’t do it
12. Experiment all the time
13. Off the whiteboard and into the real world
14. It’s a use-center world –design for it
15. A decade is terrible thing to waste.
Dzida !