Why we Do what we Do and how We Can Change it in our Life and Business?

Let’s suppose that you are General Manager of fashion company, who has just decided that it is the red pullover, which should be on the cover of your this year catalogue. In fact your Vice Director has been watching Japanese fashion trends websites from some time, where red color was the hit of the last summer. Marketing Managers in your company ask their friends which colors will be trendy this year, and these Managers, who has just came back from fashion shows in Paris said that your competitors work on new crimson pigments.

All these small and chaotic impulses, results of gossiping and competitors activities mixed up and formed more formal habit of testing the market needs, which result is obvious – this year the red color will be in. And no one did own, conscious decision about it.

It is believed that most of the economists has been approaching companies as idyllic places, where all people are working on the common goals. What if in the real world, as Nelson and Winter claim, the companies are not big happy families, but a feud, where Managers fight against each other for power and merits, often in under covered battles. What if the goal of these battles is to show merits of one person in better light than these of their rivals? Finally, what if company’s departments compete against each other for the finite resources, sabotage is business as usual and supervisors supreme objective is to play with their subordinates in a way preventing from coup d’etat ? How to do serious business in environment like this?

If sounds interesting for you and you’d like to learn more, incl. :
  • Why children, who resisted to temptation of eating sweets achieved more in in education and career comparing to these, whose will was not so strong ?
  • How the habit of brushing the teeth in society was invented and taken up by people ?
  • Why one songs are easily caught by your ears, while other are not?
  • Why Starbucks has one of the most effective customer care and personal development programmes in the world?
  • Finally how to capitalize on big data all are talking about, whereas instead of talking the company called Target for years has been sending tailored baby product catalogues once the parent’s shopping patterns indicated they were expecting?

To find the answers read The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. You won’t regret.


                                                  Source: http:/home/tomaszpi/domains/tomaszpilewicz.com/public_html/charlesduhigg.com/
Dzida !