Boosting up your idea to market journey doesn’t necessarily means finding one specific strategic investor or Venture Capital. One of pretty competitive, fast growing alternative financing sources are crowdfunding platform like Kickstarter or Indiegogo presented here some time ago.
In a nutshell crowdfunding is about investing small amounts of money by larger group of people into your concept development for rights to receive ready product or something related to its development return.
Here are 3 concepts co-financed with crowdfunding platforms, which you wouldn’t believe other people believed in and donated generously:
2. If you liked hypnotizing spinning small piece of metal, then you’d better sit tight in order not to freak out seeing Levitating Portable Bluetooth Speaker with Hi-Fi Sound, which is not only believed to distribute sound perfectly, but what all speakers somehow missed this one made it up and is… waterproof 😉
Still having doubt’s whether crowdfunding is for you? Find below one of start-up mantras I learned recently and go for it: